Monday, August 3, 2015


Dear Respected Samurai,

     Today sucked...  Today sucked so bad, that I was not in the greatest of moods and just felt like wishing the day was over.  There is too much on my mind, and I couldn't help but to just get into the worst moods ever and have things effect who I am.  Even with this type of mood the day has to still go on.

     I am training for the half marathon, but my training is going very slow.  Maybe it's because I am lazy, and not really in the mood to work out.  However, I'm pushing to build my workouts into a habit.  Based on Hebbs Rule, it will take some time to become a solidified memory.  Once that memory is in existence, then running, going to the gym, and having a happy mood will be with me forever.  Just need to work on getting out of this residue of a life first.  And that's half the battle.

    With that battle in mind, it is always good to keep in mind what the end result will be.  It will be good, and awesome.  Although I am human, and humans want change now.  Will that change ever occur in such a short amount of time?  Will I be great?  Lets find out.  I'm ready for the journey.

     Also, I think I have a crush on someone.  Not sure really.  But it could be true.  Didn't think anything of it when I started to get to know this person, but it's probably nothing and just another beautiful girl passing my way.  She's not just beautiful though, she's mysterious.  So mysterious it is keeping me wanting to know more.  One day respected samurai, one day.


My mornings always start out with three ingredients.

Chlorella, Spirulina, Chlorophyll

     I also like to add a scoop of Wheat Grass with this lovely mixture, but overall it's good for you.  Someone I work with once told me his parents had this combination every day.  They did it every day and today at whatever old person age, they still look young.  I'm trying to almost get myself in a state where I can still be alive until the year 2100.  There are a lot of new ideas and technologies out there, that I just want to be able to witness it. 

     What I want to witness is whether or not Michio Kaku is correct in his book called Physics of the Future.

     I am only on page 109, but continuing to read what he has to say.  It is his take to try and capture how the world will develop it's self over the next century.  Because society today has so much to look forward to, and I am hoping I am there when it happens.    Wouldn't have ever picked up this book if it was me 2 months ago.  But this is another Hebb Rule that I am working on.  Reading is not fun, but I am forcing my way into this type of habit.  Because reading can keep your brain working, and keeps it fresh for thought.  It's almost like eating for your mind.  I recommend that everyone should read.  Whether it is about the future like this book, or a raunchy sexual fantasy to spark interests that you could never have imagined!


     Eating healthy is another goal.  But that's not going to happen any time soon.  I just know myself.  Right now it's all about portion control, and slowly getting into the habit of eating gross vegetables.  As you can see in my photos below.  Morning meals will always be a banana.  It's quick, and I don't have time to make an awesome breakfast before work.

Lunch:  Meatball Sub with Asparagus
So proud of myself, I was going to get tater tots, but I did it.  Breaking my habits slowly.

Dinner:  Rice, Chicken Sausage, Some Gross Vegetable Mixture that includes Peas, Cauliflower, Spinach and Gnocci.  Kimchi was also included
Didn't actually finish all of my rice, and all of the sausage.  Ate only half of the sausage, but ate all of the kimchi and nasty yellow stuff.  Rice was half eaten as well.


20 Minute Cardio before I lift

Weight Lifiting:  Chest

Incline Dumbbell Press:  5 sets of 8 reps (30lbs)
Dumbbell Press:  5 sets of 8 reps (30lbs)
Cable Pec Flyes:  8 sets of 12 reps (level 40 set)
Dumbbell Flyes:  3 sets of 12 reps (30lbs)

I also ran a super set of an 
18lb medicine ball (pull over for triceps) 3 sets of 12
TRX Cable Dip 3 sets of 5 (this was ridiculously hard)

Core Workout
Pushups until Failure (at least 10) with a Bosu Ball for added instability
Hanging Leg Raises 3 sets to failure (only got three, but was surprised I could hold myself up on the pull up bar)
Mountain Climbers 4 sets of 15 (fucking hurt)
Ab Crunches (4 sets of 10)
Mason Twist (4 sets of 6) with a 18lb Kettle Bell

     After lifting, I like to get in some protein shake.  My choice today is Spirumeal.

     Anyway, I am hoping to sleep in early so that I can wake up to do a 4 mile run.  Running sucks right now, and the distance just continues to mess with my mind.  Let's see if I actually can wake up to do the run.  But for now, thank you for listening Mr. Respected Samurai.  I will talk to you tomorrow.

Respected Samurai

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